Yeah..Clay is really he is. I hope Walmart has stocked up. There's going to be a lot of Claymates needing a Brown Bunny fix.
oh .And Abe Vigoda is still alive.
Actor Robert Wagner is coming clean about a closely kept secret that he has guarded for many years. He is hitting the talk show circuit to hype his autobiography, Pieces of My Heart, co-authored with Scott Eyman. His secret was an affair with a much older woman…Barbara Stanwyck.
The age difference between the two was 23 years and the affair took place when Robert was 22 and Barbara was 45. The affair went on for four years. Stanwyck has been portrayed over the years as anything but easy going.
Wagner revealed that she gave him “self-esteem” and he reports that Barbara was the one to end their affair because of hectic work schedules and of course the age difference.
In the book he alludes that he would have been known to the world as “Mr. Stanwyck” and that must not have been the image he was trying to build.
Another hot topic in his book is the drowning of his beautiful actress wife Natalie Wood and the toll that it took on him. This is the first time that the actor has spoken of the tragedy.
Check out Wagner’s publicity video below, with contains some great pics.
Eric Carmen, the singer of the '80s pop hit "Hungry Eyes," was arrested Tuesday night in Orange, Ohio, for drunk driving, TMZ reported.
The singer reportedly slammed his car into a fire hydrant and handed cops a credit card when asked for his license. A half-empty bottle of Grey Goose vodka was found on the passenger’s seat, and Carmen's breathalyzer test was nearly three times the legal limit at .23, TMZ reported.
According to a police report, Carmen was released to his attorney on a personal bond and is scheduled to have a Sept. 16 court date. This is Carmen’s second DUI.
Now, five years after the Creek ceased trickling, Jackson is finally getting to play freaky with Fox's Fringe, a blend of X-Files and Bonesfrom Alias and Lost maven J.J. Abrams. Jackson plays Peter Bishop, the gambling-challenged, genius-level son of ethically challenged, beyond-genius scientist Walter Bishop (John Noble of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King), who's locked in a loony bin as the series begins. Apparently, Walter's '70s-era secret research into ''fringe'' science — mind control, psychic powers, teleportation — fried his grid. Together with a tragedy-touched FBI agent (newcomer Anna Torv), the bickering Bishops are recruited to investigate an outbreak of paranormal intrigue known as the Pattern. Abrams says his newest cult-pop concept is an unabashed fusion of The Twilight Zone, Altered States, and David Cronenberg films. ''But it's not about ripping something off,'' says the producer. ''It's about doing something that feels like our inspirations, but is special in its own right.''